Committing to excellence is possible for all the individuals regardless of their ability, age, condition or experience.
Committing to excellence is possible for all the individuals regardless of their ability, age, condition or experience.
To achieve your peak potential somewhere deep within you must create a belief that you can do it. If you believe that you can do it, you will certainly acquire the skills to do it, even if you may not have it at the beginning. But believing in your potential is not enough. The belief must be backed up by action.
Committing to excellence is about identifying areas in your life that need to be developed and consequently developing these areas to the best of your ability. It’s about integrating them into your everyday living. It’s about creating positive, enjoyable and worthwhile habits that propel you towards your goal. The benefit is that you become a greater individual. The journey to excellence becomes enjoyable. It helps you gain that edge.
We at Mentora India, realize the need of the hour and though are Life Coaching and Executive Coaching and Mentoring Workshops try to lay down the path for smooth journey to the World of Individual Excellence.
Mentora India offers personal one-on-one Executive coaching, Life Coaching and Mentoring for Working professionals and Individuals on various soft skills.
At Mentora we strongly believe that Life needs a strategy as much as a business does. We initiate and champion the attitudinal and behavioral change process in individuals to help bring the best out of them. We help you recognize your talents, strengths, and opportunities
We invite you to experience a life renewing partnership and create a strategy for your life.
Our One to one Executive Coaching & Mentoring will make your journey to excellence enjoyable through following range of offerings from Mentora.
These aim at improving your creative abilities, boosting confidence and minimizing conflicts in your life.
For more details, call 08655449052 or click here
Mentora India offers personal one-on-one Executive coaching, Life Coaching and Mentoring for Working professionals and Individuals on various soft skills.
At Mentora we strongly believe that Life needs a strategy as much as a business does. We initiate and champion the attitudinal and behavioral change process in individuals to help bring the best out of them. We help you recognize your talents, strengths, and opportunities
We invite you to experience a life renewing partnership and create a strategy for your life.
Our One to one Executive Coaching & Mentoring will make your journey to excellence enjoyable through following range of offerings from Mentora.
These aim at improving your creative abilities, boosting confidence and minimizing conflicts in your life.
For more details, call 08655449052 or click here
One of most important benefits of this series is that it caters to individuals across industries, profiles and hierarchies.
We call this the ‘Healing Therapy’
In one-on-one counselling, the counsellor actively listens to the client without judging and perception biases. Allows full catharsis, engages the client in a dynamic dialogue and genuinely empathizes with the client. Encourage them to think rationally to understand strengths & weaknesses. Empower the client to gain deeper self knowledge. Helps the clients to explore all options and dimension of the issue involved to bring in change in perception, change in attitude or behaviour and self goals & action plan to move forward in a desired direction.
Strict confidentiality is maintained throughout the counselling process at the Counselling centre.
The individual counselling service process involves between 6 to 12 sessions depending upon the issue and the client. Each session will last for about 60 mins with an upper limit of 120 mins.
Counselling is provided for:
For more details, call 08655449052 or click here